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      1.  產品中心
        銷售經理:  艾經理
              0133 7781 5051
              0134 5128 9903
        銷售熱線:  0722-3268188
        圖文傳真:  0722-3268188
        企業網址: www.tugelehe.cn
        企業郵箱:  hbcsdzqc@163.com
         產品展示 |The export of truck with crane
         當前位置:首頁 - 產品展示 - The export of truck with crane 


         出口隨車吊慶鈴、陜汽、重汽、歐曼出口隨車起重運輸車:我們隨州市是汽車改裝之都,隨車吊產品及其它專用汽車銷售全國,連國外也來我們這里買隨車吊了,因國外與我國的公告不一樣,所以不需要中國的公告,但公司可以辦理商檢手續,可以根據國外用戶的需求,有單橋、三軸及四軸隨車吊車型,吊機從2噸到16噸及10到160折臂吊機可選配;出口隨車吊品牌有:慶鈴、陜汽、重汽、歐曼底盤,咨詢電話:133 7781 5051 。

        Export truck with crane Qingling, Shaanxi, heavy truck, Auman export crane truck: we Suizhou city is the automobile capital, lorry crane products and other special purpose vehicle sales throughout the country, even overseas also come here to buy a truck with crane, because of the abroad and our country's announcement is not the same, so do not need China's announcement, but the company can handle commodity inspection procedures, can according to the user demand, a single bridge, three axis and four axis truck with crane crane models, from 2 tons to 16 tons and 10 to 160 folding arm optional crane; export truck with crane brand: Qingling, Shaanxi, heavy steam chassis, Auman, Tel: 13377815051.

        網站首頁 - 公司概述 - 新聞中心 - 產品中心 - 售后服務 - 購車流程 - 在線留言 - 聯系我們

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